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LDRS 306 Study Guide Three

LDRS 306 Study Guide Three

Q LDRS 306: Leadership and Team Dynamics Study Guide Three – Group Dynamics and Team Interventions Chapters 9, 10, 12 Name Chandler Clemens 1. Is cohesion good or bad for a team and why? What are some of the things to be careful of with cohesion in teams? 2. What is dysfunctional conflict and what causes it? Discuss a time when you have witnessed or experienced dysfunctional conflict and what caused it. 3. Why does cohesion in a virtual team take longer? What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with work in a virtual team?

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Cohesion in a group means to have some kind of similarity among the team members regarding certain interest or any such things. Having cohesion in a group is a good thing and a strong point for the group. First of all the group is formed due to the same goal or desire of the team member to achieve in the long run. It is this interest that binds them together and moves them forward. It is beneficial for the groups for the members that are included in the group are working for the same thing and thus they will be very much interested in doing things for the group and will show their commitment towards the group.